SGT 200 Tornado Gas Core Engine only, 6.44 MW, first operation 1995

SGT 200 Tornado Gas Core Engine only, 6.44 MW, first operation 1995

Contact us for price

Location:Poeldijk, Netherlands


SGT 200 Tornado Gas Generator and Power Turbine 6.44 MW, Overhauled by Siemens in 2006, ran 1200 hours and was shut down to never start again.


ManufacturerGEC Alsthom
Manufacturer turbineEGT
Type of turbineSGT 200
Initial start up2006
Output8750 kW (Data shield)
Fuel typeNatural Gas / light oil
Shut down2007
Gg serial nr.RT 123
Pt serial nr.RT 123
Gg core exchange11-2006
Had a major service in2006
ConditionsSTS terms and conditions apply